Senin, 15 Juli 2019

Lamaran Diterima Pacar, Boy William Langsung Cium Bibir Karen Vendela

Setelah sekian lama pacaran, Boy William akhirnya melamar sang kekasih, Karen Vendela. Momen manis tersebut diunggah Boy di akun Instagram-nya. Dalam unggahan tersebut, Boy tampak mencium bibir Karen dengan mesra.

”She said Yes! One fine day in the middle of nowhere, i got down on my knees. Thank you for choosing me. Nothing in this world is perfect but to me, you are. Let's make more dumb memories together. Let's keep pretending we're Jay and Beyonce. Let's be Kid's forever and never grow up. Trust me and hold my hand, i got you. You are loved,” tulis Boy William sebagai caption fotonya di Instagram.
Hal yang sama juga dilakukan oleh Karen. Wanita tersebut unggah foto mengenakan cincin serta saat berciuman sembari menuliskan caption singkat, khusus kepada sang kekasih.
”Of course i’ll say Yes. Thanks for taking me around the world. Making me see the world differently. Traveling to random places, holding my hand every step of the way. Now you have to deal with everything good and bad about me,” tulis Karen. 

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